Robert A. Young Lecture in Political Science

Image of Robert A. Young

In August 2017, the Department of Political Science lost our good friend and esteemed colleague, Professor Robert A. Young. One of Canada’s most distinguished political scientists, Bob was revered for his ground-breaking work in many areas, including: secession, Quebec politics, federalism and multi-level governance, a field in which he held a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair. To honour Bob’s legacy, the Department of Political Science, with the support of Bob's family, are raising funds to launch the Robert A. Young Lecture in Political Science.

It is our hope that this event will generate the kind of intellectual discussions that Bob so dearly valued. As one of the foremost experts on multi-level governance and secession, Robert had a passion for intellectual dialogue and research. The Robert A. Young Lecture in Political Science will honour his leadership and expertise, by commemorating Robert through an annual lecture that will be delivered by a prominent political scientist.  

In Memoriam – Professor Emeritus Bob Young (1950-2017)

Image of Robert YoungIt is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Dr. Bob Young. Bob was a gifted teacher and scholar, and a mentor and dear friend to many. While his impressive body of work will shape our discipline for decades to come, it was his commitment to strengthening our department and his willingness to help his colleagues develop as full members of the academy that will be remembered most. Bob was a distinguished scholar, great mentor, and amazing friend. The Political Science Department sends our heartfelt condolences to Bob’s Wife, Louise Gadbois, and family, at this extremely sad time. Bob will be missed dearly.