Publication History

Our graduates have been very successful in publishing in top Canadian and international political science journals:

Bold indicates graduate student
Italics indicates undergraduate student





Lebo, Matthew, Ellen Key, and Michael Driggers


Revisiting Clarke and Stewart’s (1995) investigation of PM Approval and Vote Intentions in the UK

Electoral Studies

Collie, James


Left, but How Left? Analyzing the Foreign Policy of the New Democratic party of Canada

International Journal

Collie, James, and Ritwik Bhattacharjee


Problematizing Settler Grievances: Danielle Smith and Contested Colonialism

Canadian Journal of Political Science

Finneron-Burns, Elizabeth, and Caleb Althorpe


Are Saviour Siblings a Special Case in Procreative Ethics

Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy

Horak, M., & Vanhooren, S.


Somebody to Lean On: Community Ties, Social Exchange, and Practical Help during the COVID-19 Pandemic

City & Community

Khwaja, Afifa


A human Right to Political Membership & the Right to Territory

Journal of International Political Theory

Taylor, Zack and Jonathan Taylor


Boundary Battles in New Brunswick

University of Alberta Press

Althorpe, Caleb


Meaningful work, nonperfectionism, and reciprocity

Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy

Althorpe, Caleb


What is Meaningful Work?

Social Theory and Practice

Biswas Mellamphy, Nandita, Tyler Girard & Anne Campbell


Interpreting crises through narratives: the construction of a COVID-19 policy narrative by Canada’s political parties, Critical Policy Studies

Critical Policy Studies

Collie, James, and Hannah Verrips


Put out wildfires before they begin with indigenous Fire Stewardship

Policy Options

Driggers, Hunter and Ryan P. Burge


The American Atheist

Bloomsbury Religion in North America

Driggers, Michael H.


NATO’s Enlargement and Russia: A Strategic Challenge in the Past and Future

The Journal of Slavic Military Studies

Kennedy, John, Anthony Sayers, and Christopher Alcantara


Does Federalism Prevent Democratic Accountability? Assigning Responsibility for Rates of COVID-19 Testing

Political Studies Review

Miljan, Lydia and Tyler Romualdi


Comparing Trudeau and Harper Canadian federal appointments to agencies, boards, and commissions

Canadian Public Administration

Romualdi, Tyler, John Kennedy


Class and Immigration Opinion

Comparative Public Opinion

Althorpe, Caleb and Martin Horak


The End of the Right to the City: A Radical-Cooperative View

Urban Affairs Review

Armstrong, David, Christopher Alcantara and John Kennedy


Exploring the Effects of Electorate Size on Indigenous Voter Turnout

Politics, Groups, and Identities

Caplan, MichelleNicole McMahon and Christopher Alcantara


Representing the Constituency: Institutional Design and Legislative Behaviour

Journal of Representative Democracy

Driggers, Hunter, and Ryan P. Burge


Did the Nones Put Joe Biden in the White House? An Analysis of the Voting Patterns of the Religiously Unaffiliated in 2020

Politics and Religion Journal

Isley, Joshua, and Christopher Alcantara


End political manoeuvring over conversion therapy

Policy Options Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy

Kennedy, John, Christopher Alcantara and Dave Armstrong


Do Governments Keep Their Promises? An Analysis of Speeches from the Throne, 1962-2013


McMahon, Nicole, Anthony Sayers, and Christopher Alcantara


Political Donations and the Gender Gap during COVID-19

Party Politics

McMahon, Nicole, and Christopher Alcantara


Running for Elected Office: Indigenous Candidates, Ambition and Self-Government

Politics, Groups, and Identities

Sayers, Anthony, Nicole McMahon, and Christopher Alcanatara


The COVID-19 crisis is about physical infrastructure too

Policy Options Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy

Taylor Zack and Shanaya Vanhooren


Local Election Campaign Finance Regimes in Canada: Toward a Research Agenda

Canadian Public Administration

Tieku, Thomas Kwasi, and Megan Payler


From Paternalism to the Chambas Formula for Mediation: Conceptualizing Cooperation between the UN and Regional Organizations in Mediating Conflicts

International Negotiation

Alcantara, C., Longboat, S. and Vanhooren, S.


Improving First Nations water security through governance

Canadian Public Administration

Henstra, D., Thistlethwaite, J., & Vanhooren, S.


The governance of climate change adaptation: Stormwater management policy and practice

Journal of Environmental Planning and Management

Kennedy, John, Cameron D. Anderson and Laura Stephenson


The Canada-US Relationship: An Updated Evaluation of Public Opinion

American Review of Canadian Studies

McMahon, Nicole, Christopher Alcantara and Laura B. Stephenson


The Qualifying Field Exam: What is it good for?

PS: Political Science & Politics

Selected Dissertation Fieldwork Trips 

Image of PhD students in AustraliaAustralia

PhD candidate Nicole McMahon’s dissertation research focuses on transgender policy change in Canada and Australia. Her trip to Australia involved interviews in Sydney and Canberra and archival research at the National Archives of Australia in Canberra.

Girard London BridgeLondon Bridge

PhD candidate Tyler Girard’s UK trip to London involved interviews and archival work for his own research and work for Dr. Adam Harmes’ forthcoming book that will include a chapter on Brexit.

Guatemala City, Guatemala

Forensic Investigation: The Internal Armed Conflict and Post Conflice in Guatemala

Photo by Amanda Quinn

PhD candidate Tamara Hinan attended a multidisciplinary field school in Guatemala entitled ‘Forensic Investigation: The Internal Armed Conflict and Post-Conflict in Guatemala.’ This field school was organized jointly by the International Field Initiatives and Forensic Training (IFIT) and the Guatemalan Forensic Anthropology Foundation (FAFG). As part of the field school, she was given hands-on experience in the various strategies used by the FAFG to identify victims of the genocide and civil war in Guatemala, including forensic anthropology, forensic archaeology and DNA analysis. She participated in an ongoing exhumation, and took testimony from family and community members about their experiences during the conflict. This field school was an invaluable opportunity to begin to understand the complexity of human rights investigations in a post-conflict context, and to problematize the links between truth and memory, and justice and development efforts in Guatemala today.

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