Cameron Anderson

Professor & Chair, Graduate ProgramAnderson_C

PhD McGill University
Telephone: 519.661.2111 ext. 81163
Office: Social Science Centre 7312

Research Interests

Professor Anderson’s research interests lie in the area of Canadian political behaviour with specific interests in economic voting, political identity and citizen behaviour in a multilevel setting.

Current Research Projects

With Jack Lucas (Calgary), Mike McGregor (Ryerson) and Laura Stephenson (Western), Prof. Anderson (PI) was awarded a SSHRC Insight Grant for “The Multilevel Democracy Project”.  This is a five-year project will explore citizen and candidate attitudes towards the practice of democracy at the local and provincial level in Ontario over a multi-wave series of surveys surrounding the provincial election and municipal elections happening in 2022. 

With Mike McGregor (PI) and many others, Prof. Anderson is part of the Canadian Municipal Election Study Team (  Prof. Anderson’s participation in this project has resulted in many presentations, articles, edited books and book chapters.

With Mathieu Turgeon (Western), Prof. Anderson is editing a book entitled “Comparative Public Opinion” (under contract with Routledge) which explores the sources of opinion about immigration in a range of democratic countries.

Selected Publications (Last Three Years)


  • Anderson, Cameron, Jack Lucas and Mike McGregor. Forthcoming. “Homevalues, Economic Perceptions and Government Satisfaction.” Journal of Urban Affairs.
  • McGregor, R.M., Anderson, C.D., Bélanger, É., Breux, S., Lucas, J., Matthews, J.S., Mévellec, A., Moore, A.A.., Pruysers, S., Stephenson, L.B., & Tolley, E. 2021. “The Canadian Municipal Election Study.” Frontiers in Political Science: Elections and Representation.
  • Anderson, Cameron, Mike McGregor and Laura Stephenson. 2021. “Us vs. Them: Do the Rules of the Game Encourage Negative Partisanship?” European Journal of Political Research.
  • McGregor, Mike, Cameron Anderson and Scott Pruysers. 2021. “Partisanship, Motivated Reasoning and the Notwithstanding Clause: The Case of Provincially Imposed Redistricting in the City of Toronto.” Commonwealth and Comparative Politics 59 (1): 94-117.
  • Anderson, Cameron, Mike McGregor and Scott Pruysers. 2020. “Incumbency and Competitiveness in City Council Elections: How Accurate Are Voter Perceptions?” Canadian Journal of Political Science 53 (4).
  • Anderson, Cameron. 2020. “(Re)Considering the Sources of Economic Perceptions.” Social Science Quarterly. 101 (4): 1314-1325.
  • Kennedy, John, Cameron Anderson and Laura Stephenson. 2020. “The Canada-US Relationship: An Updated Evaluation of Public Opinion.” American Review of Canadian Studies 50 (1): 9-32.
  • Anderson, Cameron and Michael McGregor. 2020. “National Identity and the Two Sides of Partisanship: The Case of the 2015 Canadian Federal Election.” National Identities 22 (3): 347-366.


  • Anderson, Cameron and Mathieu Turgeon (eds.). 2022. Comparative Public Opinion. London: Routledge.
  • Belanger, Eric, Cameron Anderson, and Mike McGregor (eds.). 2022. Voting in Quebec Municipal Elections: A Tale of Two Cities. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • Anderson, Cameron and Laura Stephenson (eds.). 2021. What is Democracy and How do we Study it?  Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Book Chapters

  • Anderson, Cameron and Mathieu Turgeon. 2022. “Introduction” in Anderson and Turgeon (eds.) Comparative Public Opinion. London: Routledge.
  • Anderson, Cameron and Mathieu Turgeon. 2022. “Defining and Measuring Public Opinion” in Anderson and Turgeon (eds.) Comparative Public Opinion. London: Routledge.
  • Anderson, Cameron and Mathieu Turgeon. 2022. “Immigration Opinion in 9 Countries” in Anderson and Turgeon (eds.) Comparative Public Opinion. London: Routledge.
  • Romualdi, Tyler, John Kennedy and Cameron Anderson. 2022. “Class and Immigration Opinion” in Anderson and Turgeon (eds.) Comparative Public Opinion. London: Routledge.
  • Anderson, Cameron and Mathieu Turgeon. 2022. “Conclusion” in Anderson and Turgeon (eds.) Comparative Public Opinion.  London: Routledge.
  • Belanger, Eric, Cameron Anderson and Mike McGregor. 2022.  “Introduction” in Belanger et al. (eds.) Voting in Quebec Municipal Elections: A Tale of Two Cities. University of Toronto Press.
  • Anderson, Cameron and Laura Stephenson. 2022. “Language and (not) Voting: 2017 Municipal Elections in Quebec.” in Belanger et al. (eds.) Voting in Quebec Municipal Elections: A Tale of Two Cities. University of Toronto Press.
  • Anderson, Cameron and Mike McGregor. 2022. “Who Relies on Party Labels in Municipal Elections in Montreal and Quebec City?” in Belanger et al. (eds.)
  • Voting in Quebec Municipal Elections: A Tale of Two Cities. University of the Toronto Press.
  • Anderson, Cameron and Laura Stephenson. 2021. “London’s 2018 Ranked Ballot Election” in Lucas and McGregor (eds.) Big City Elections in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • Charbonneau, Philip and Cameron Anderson. 2021. “Decentralization and Electoral Accountability.” In Lagos (ed.) Handbook on Decentralization, Devolution and the State. Edward Elgar Publishers.
  • Anderson, Cameron and Laura Stephenson. 2021. “Introduction” in Anderson and Stephenson (eds.). What is Democracy and How do we Study it?  Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • Anderson, Cameron and Laura Stephenson. 2021. “Evaluating a Democracy: Are Citizens Engaged” in Anderson and Stephenson (eds.). What is Democracy and How do we Study it?  Toronto: University of Toronto Press