Pietro Pirani

Assistant Professor

E-mail: ppirani2@uwo.ca


PhD, Western University

Research Interests

International Organizations, International Relations Theory, Foreign Policy

Selected Publications

Refereed Journal Articles

  • 2010: “‘The Way We Were’: The Social Construction of Italian Security Policy”, Modern Italy, 15.2 (May).

Book Chapters

  • 2010: “Sanctions and Embargo”. In The Encyclopedia of Political Science, edited by George Thomas Kurian. Washington D.C., CQ Press.
  • 2005: “Christian Democracy (Europe)”. In Encyclopaedia of Politics: The Left and Right, edited by Rodney P. Carlisle. Thousand Oaks, Sage Publications.
  • 2005: “Associative State”. In Encyclopaedia of Politics: The Left and Right, edited by Rodney P. Carlisle. Thousand Oaks, Sage Publications.
  • 2001: Pietro Pirani and Mario Zucconi, “Doubtful Enforcement of Sanctions against Serbia: A Lack of Political Determination?”. In The Effects of Economic Sanctions: The Case of Serbia, edited by Mario Zucconi, 23-40. Milano: Franco Angeli.

Recent Conference Presentations

  • 2011: “Europe and Identity in the 21st Century”. Invited participant sponsored by the European Studies Program at Guelph University, Guelph, Ontario, March.
  • 2010: “Italy, Peacekeeping, and Humanitarian Intervention”. Paper presented at the 23rd Academic Council United Nations System Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria, June.
  • 2010: “The Way We Were’: Continuity and Change in Italian Strategic Culture”. Invited participant sponsored by the Department of Political Science at Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick, March.
  • 2010: “Europe: A New Political Identity?”. Invited participant sponsored by the European Studies Program at Guelph University, Guelph, Ontario, March.
  • 2008: “The Way We Were’: Continuity and Change in Italian Political Culture”. Paper presented at the Political Studies Annual Conference, Swansea, UK, April.
  • 2007: “The Way We Were’: Continuity and Change in Italian Political Culture”. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for Italian Studies Annual Conference, Trieste, Italy, July.
  • 2005: “Political Elites and Strategies of Action: A Re-examination of Cultural Influence in Strategic Studies”. Paper presented at the Canadian Political Science Association Annual Conference, London, Ontario, June.
  • 2005: “Security Policy in France, Germany and Italy: The Search for a New Identity”. Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association National Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA, April.
  • 2004: “From Economic Sanctions to Military Intervention in the Former Yugoslavia: A Comparison of Domestic Impact on Foreign Policy-Making in Germany and Italy”. Paper presented at the Canadian Political Science Association Annual Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June.
  • 2004: “Political Culture and Italian Security Policy: The Bosnian Case”. Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association National Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA, April.

Awards and Distinctions

  • 2011: Agnes Cole Dark Fund
  • 2010: Faculty Alumni Awards
  • 2009: Agnes Cole Dark Fund ($1,482)