Paul Gecelovsky

Assistant Professor



BComm, BA, MA, Windsor, PhD Alberta
2000-1 Royal Bank Financial Group Post-Doctoral Fellow in Political Economy, UWO

Research Interests

Canadian foreign policy; policy change and innovation; international norms; religion and politics; marijuana politics; and human rights

Selected Publications


  • The Confluence of Power, Politics and Religion: Stephen Harper and Personal Responsibility Internationalism (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press,  contract pending).

Refereed Journal Articles

  • 2011: “Foreign Policy Reviews and Canadian Trade Policy: 1968-2009” American Review of Canadian Studies, 41:1. Co-authored with Chris Kukucha (University of Lethbridge)
  • 2009: “Constructing a Middle Power: Ideas and Canadian Foreign Policy,” Canadian Foreign Policy, 15:2. pp. 77-93.
  • 2009: “Much Ado about Parties: Conservative and Liberal Approaches to Canada’s Foreign Economic Relations with the US,” International Journal, 64:1. pp.29-46. Co-authored with Chris Kukucha (University of Lethbridge)
  • 2008: “Canadian Foreign Policy: A Progressive or Stagnating Field of Study?” Canadian Foreign Policy, 14:2. pp.109-19. Co-authored with Chris Kukucha (University of Lethbridge)
  • 2008: “Canadian Cannabis: Marijuana as an Irritant/Problem in Canada-US Relations,” American Review of Canadian Studies, 38:2. pp.207-12.
  • 2007: “The Northern Enigma: American Images of Canada,” American Review of Canadian Studies, 37:4. pp.517-36.
  • 2007: “Canadian Cannabis: Marijuana as an Irritant/Problem in Canada-US Relations,” ACSUS Occasional Papers on Public Policy Issues, 1:1.
  • 2002: “ ‘Una Gran Familia’: Le Canada et la ZLEA,” Etudes Internationales, 33:4. pp.745-62.
  • 2002: “Trends in Canadian Newspaper Coverage of International News, 1988-2000: Assessments of Editors,” Canadian Journal of Communication, 27:1. pp.73-87. Co-authored with Walter C. Soderlund (University of Windsor) and Martha Lee (University of Windsor).
  • 2001: “The Canadian Response to the Tiananmen Square Massacre: An Interactive Explanation,” Canadian Foreign Policy, 8:3. pp.75-98.
  • 1995: “Canada's Human Rights Policy: Tiananmen Square”. International Journal, 50:3. pp.564-93. Co-authored with T.A. Keenleyside (University of Windsor)

Refereed Book Chapters

  •  2014: “In Search of a Legacy: The Role of the Prime Minister in Canadian Foreign Policy,” in Chris Kukucha and Duane Bratt, Eds. Readings in Canadian Foreign Policy: Classic Debates and New Ideas, (Toronto: Oxford University Press, In Process)
  • 2013: “Canadian Cannabis: Marijuana as an Irritant/Problem in Canada-US Relations,” in John J. Macionis, Nijoke V. Benokraitis, Bruce Ravelli, and Peter Urmetzer, Eds. Seeing Ourselves: Classic, Contemporary, and Cross-Cultural Readings in  Sociology, 4th ed. (Don Mills, Pearson).
  • 2012: “The Prime Minister and the Parable: Stephen Harper and Personal Responsibility Internationalism” in Claire Turenne Sjolander and Heather Smith, Eds. Canada in the World: Perspectives on Canadian Foreign Policy, (Toronto: Oxford University Press). pp. 108-24.
  • 2011: “Of Lightning Bolts and Legacies Revisited: Another Look at the Prime Minister and Canadian Foreign Policy,” in Chris Kukucha and Duane Bratt, Eds. Readings in Canadian Foreign Policy: Classic Debates and New Ideas, 2nd ed. (Toronto:Oxford University Press). pp.217-27.
  • 2001: “Liberal Internationalism for Conservatives: The Evolution of Canada’s Human Rights and Good Governance Policy During the Conservative Era” in Kim Richard Nossal and Nelson Michaud, Eds. Diplomatic Departures: The Conservative Era in Canadian Foreign Policy, (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press). pp.194-207. Co-authored with Tom Keating (University of Alberta)

Conference Participation and Invited Addresses

  • 2010: “Catching the Prince of Pot: Marc Emery, Marijuana and Canada-US Relations,” presented at the Midwest Association for Canadian Studies Biennial Conference, Windsor, Ontario October 22-24.
  • 2009: “Values of a Christian Civilization: Religion and Canadian Foreign Policy,” A paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Ottawa, Ontario, May.
  • 2008: “Catching Mercury: Money Laundering and Canadian Financial Statecraft,” A paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, June.
  • 2008: “Do Parties Matter? Canada's Foreign Trade Policy with the United States, 1968-2008,” A paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, April. Co-authored with Chris Kukucha (University of Lethbridge)
  • 2008: “Much Ado about Parties: Conservative and Liberal Approaches to Canada’s Foreign Economic Relations with the US,” A paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association, San Francisco, California, March. Co-authored with Chris Kukucha (University of Lethbridge)
  • 2007: “The Slippery Slope? An Empirical Examination of the Study of Canadian Foreign Policy in Canada,” A paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, June. Co-authored with Chris Kukucha (University of Lethbridge)
  • 2007: “The Northern Enigma: American Images of Canada,” A paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, April.
  • 2007: “The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the American Bill of Rights: A Comparison,” An Address at the University of Michigan. Dearborn, Michigan, February.
  • 2006: “Pictures of Us in Their Heads: American Images of Canada,” An Address for the University of Lethbridge Lunchtime Lecture Series. Lethbridge, Alberta, November.
  • 2005: “Canada’s International Identity: A Constructivist’s Cut,’ A paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, London, Ontario, June.
  • 2004: “Image Management: Branding the State and the Firm,” A paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June.
  • 2004: “Canada’s Global Trade Relations and Foreign Policy Reviews” A paper presented to the Conference on White Papers: Foreign Policy Management Tools?’ Quebec City, Quebec, May. Co-authored with Chris Kukucha (University of Lethbridge)
  • 2003: “Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Security: The Unexplored Link,” A paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Halifax, Nova Scotia, May.
  • 2002: “ ‘Una Gran Familia’: Canada and the FTAA,” A paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Toronto, Ontario, May.
  • 2002: “Canada and the FTAA,” A paper presented to the Economic Policy Research Institute and the Political Economy Research Group, University of Western Ontario, May.
  • 2002: “Human Security, the State, and International Justice,” A paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 2002. Co-authored with Tom Keating (University of Alberta)
  • 2001: “DFAIT as a ‘Learning Organization’,” A paper presented to the Conference on ‘The Administration of Foreign Affairs: A Renewed Challenge?’ Hull, Quebec, November.
  • 2001: “The Politicization of Ontario’s Education Policy: The Impact of the Waldman Case,” A paper presented to the Conference on ‘Critical Issues Affecting Public Education in Ontario and Michigan’, 11th Annual Wayne-Windsor Canadian-American Symposium, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, February.
  • 2000: “ ‘Raising Hornets’: Ideas, Middle Powers, and Canadian Foreign Policy,” A paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Quebec City, Quebec, August.
  • 2000: “The Canadian Response to the Tiananmen Square Massacre: An Interactive Explanation,” A paper presented to the Conference on ‘New Perspectives on Canada’s International Policies’, The Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Ottawa, Ontario, May.
  • 1999: “Liberal Internationalism for Conservatives: The Evolution of Canada’s Human Rights And Good Governance Policy During the Conservative Era”. A paper presented to the Conference ‘Diplomatic Departures: The Conservative Era in Canadian Foreign Policy’, Ottawa, Ontario, November 1999. Co-authored with Tom Keating (University of Alberta)
  • 1999: “The Canadian Reaction to the Tiananmen Square Massacre”. A paper presented to the Conference on ‘China Ten Years After Tiananmen’, University of Toronto-York University Joint Centre for Asia Pacific Studies, Toronto, Ontario, June 1999.
  • 1998: “Human Rights, Democracy, and Civil Society: The Role of Canadian NGOs in ‘Good Governance’”. A paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Ottawa, Ontario, June 1998. Co-authored with Tom Keating (University of Alberta)
  • 1998: “Constructing a Consensus: Two-Level Games, Canadian Foreign Policy, and Tiananmen Square”. A paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota, March.
  • 1994: “The Canada-China Relationship in the Post-Tiananmen Period”. An Address to the University of Toronto-York University Joint Centre for Asia Pacific Studies. June 1994.
  • 1994: “Canada's International Human Rights Policy in Practice: The Case of the Tiananmen Square Massacre”. An Address for the Lunchtime Speakers Series of the University of Alberta Political Science Graduate Students Association. March.