Nancy Vamvakas

Assistant Professor



BA University of Toronto, MA, PhD University of Western Ontario

Research Interests

Greece, Euro-zone Crisis, Europeanization, Deliberation, Discursive Junctures, Multi-level Governance

Current Research

Professor Vamvakas is part of Dr. Jürg Steiner’s international research group, The Foundations of Deliberative Democracy. The team investigates the extent that not only power but also arguments count in politics. Her current manuscript, Greece and the Crisis: Europeanization by Force, re-visits her earlier conclusions on Europeanization. Historical Institutionalism, the concept of Europeanization, and Deliberation Models are combined in order to examine the Greek crisis. She argues that the repeated assaults in close proximity resulted in a complicated series of critical moments and critical junctures. With the rise to power of Syriza, there is a distinct juncture in deliberation which she conceptualizes as a discursive juncture, its purpose is to create critical moments and critical junctures in policy.

Selected Publications


  • 2012: Europeanizing Greece: The Effects of Ten Years of EU Structural Funds 1989-1999. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.


  • 2004: "Metarithmisis in Greece: The Emergence of Mediterranean Regimes." Federal Governance 4:1. Kingston: Queen's University.


  • 2010: EU Commission Publication Research Grant
  • 2006: SSHRC/MCRI Post-doctoral Fellowship
  • 2000: EU Commission Research Fellowship
  • 1997: Ford Award for Top Ranking Doctoral Candidate