David Hoogenboom

Assistant Professor

Telephone: 519 661 2111 ext. 80996
E-mail: dhoogen2@uwo.ca
Office: Social Sciences Centre


BA King’s University College, MA Wilfrid Laurier University, PhD Western University

Research Interests

Transitional justice, human rights, democratization, and post-conflict reconstruction

Selected Publications

Refereed Journal Articles

  • 2009:  Hoogenboom, D., & Vieille, S. “Rebuilding social fabric in failed states: Examining transitional justice in Bosnia.” Human Rights Review, 11 (2), 183-198.

Recent Conference Presentations

  • 2014: Hoogenboom, D. Who Wields Power? A Preliminary Examination of the Treatment of Power in the Field of Transitional Justice. International Studied Association Annual Convention, Toronto, ON.
  • 2013: Hoogenboom, D. The Field of Transitional Justice: Towards an Open or Closed Society? International Studies Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA.
  • 2012: Hoogenboom, D. Moving ideas: Examining the normative vision of international actors in the field of transitional justice. International Studies Association, San Diego, CA.
  • 2011: Hoogenboom, D. Examining the Visions of Transitional Justice. Canadian Political Science Association, Waterloo, ON.
  • 2011: Hoogenboom, D., & Quinn, J. Transitional justice and the Diaspora: Examining the impact of the Haitian Diaspora on the Haitian Truth Commission. International Studies Association, Montreal, PQ.
  • 2010: Hoogenboom, D. Moving Ideas. Canadian Political Science Association, Montreal, PQ.
  • 2009: Hoogenboom, D., & Vieille,  S. Transitional justice and the neoliberal discourse. Canadian Political Science Association, Ottawa, ON.
  • 2008: Hoogenboom, D. & Vieille, S. (2008, June). Rebuilding social fabric in failed states: Examining transitional justice in Bosnia. Canadian Political Science Association, Vancouver, BC.